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bob綜合體育官網下載 RIKO® Plunger Valve
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bob綜合體育官網下載 EKN® H Butterfly Valveepoxy

Energy-efficient, double-offset flanged butterfly valve (resilient-seated) suitable for the highest…

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bob綜合體育官網下載 DUOJET® Automatic Air ValveSingle-chamber type

High-capacity, single-chamber air valve with triple function for venting and releasing air in…

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bob綜合體育官網下載 SKR Slanted Seat Tilting Disk Check Valve

Metallic-sealing non-return valve with slanted seat for reducing the closing time and with specially…

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bob綜合體育官網下載 KSSplus Howell-Bunger® Discharge Valve

Bottom-outlet valve as end-of-line valve for very high discharge rates with a largely linear control…

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bob綜合體育官網下載 RIKO® Plunger Valveone-piece body, with handwheel

Externally controlled control valve with annular flow cross-section for the continuous regulation of…

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bob綜合體育官網下載 NOVA NIRO 365 Standpost Hydrant

Standpost hydrant with automatic, optimised double draining system and pressurised-water protection.…

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150 Years - 150 People
11/13/2024100,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions saved

From the 2024/25 heating period on, about 20,000 households in Hamburg are to be supplied with CO2-free industrial heat generated by a secondary…

03/12/2024Refurbishment of the Pirk Dam

With its 10.7 million m³ total pondage, the Pirk Dam located in the Free State of Saxony serves for the supply of service water, low-flow augmentation…

10/12/2023ESG Award

bob綜合體育官網下載 Group Brazil was awarded the ESG Award (Environmental, Social and Governance).

Did you know... ?
05/25/2023Made from one casting! But which one?

Cast iron is outstanding! It is corrosionresistant and has excellent mechanical properties.

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